Privacy policy / Terms & conditions
Terms and Conditions:
I hereby agree to become a member of the Retford and WorksopBoat Club, which I am aware is a company limited by Guarantee. I Guarantee to contribute the maximum of one pound in the event of this being lawfully called for.
Privacy Policy:
Retford and Worksop Boat Club (Chesterfield Canal) Ltd is a Company limited by Guarantee and whose registered number is 872198 (RWBC). RWBC is known as the "Controller" of the personal data that we collect about Members. We process and hold your information in order to provide you with membership services and administer your membership of RWBC. This notice will explain how we use and share your information.
Why do we collect your personal information?
When you chose to become a member of RWBC and during the period of your membership, RWBC needs to collect certain information from you in order to administer your membership In relation to the above we will process your information for the following purposes:-
• To process your membership application.
• To allow us to contact you during your membership
• To allow us to offer you a mooring.
• To allow us to be able to communicate and provide services and benefits appropriate to your needs as a member of RWBC
• To ensure that we meet our legal obligations.
• Where necessary for law enforcement functions.
• Where necessary to protect individuals or property from harm or injury. We will only collect personal data that we need in order to deliver services to you and as far as is reasonable and practicable we will ensure that the information recorded is accurate and kept up to date. You have a duty to advise us of any change to your personal data so that our records are kept up to date.
What personal data do we collect?
We will collect personal data about you in order to help us deliver the right service. The personal data we collect may include:
• Name, address and other contact details
• Family members details where they are joint members with you
• Details of your boat for mooring purposes
• Details of your vehicle(s) for security purposes.
• Photograph to aid identification when on the premises. We do not collect any of the “Special Categories” of personal data that are referred to in General Data Protection Rules (2018) legislation.
How do we collect your personal data?
Information may be collected in different ways but mainly as set out below:
• Membership Application Forms
• Mooring Application Forms
• Face to face where you provide information verbally to one of our Officers or Employees or members of our Management Committee. You should generally confirm any such conversation in writing.
• Telephone conversations. Telephone calls are not recorded. You should generally confirm any such conversation in writing. Answering machine messages may be retained.
• If you email any club officer using their Club email address any information may be stored on the device which they use to read it. We are unable to guarantee the security of any email initiated by you and we recommend that you keep the amount of confidential information you send to us via email to a minimum. We have established a legal basis, in most instances, for gathering, storing and processing your data. We will seek your consent to use your data where there is no legal basis for doing so. You may be asked to give consent on various forms which RWBC uses. Your wishes will be respected as far as is possible but a lawful basis for processing your data will be used wherever we deem it possible.
RWBC Website
When you sign up to our website to access Member Information we may collect personal information such as Name and Contact Details. Where we have given you a password or where you have chosen one yourself it is your responsibility to keep this confidential.
• We collect usage data including Log Data ( pages visited) about how you have interacted with our website.
• Cookies are used to enhance the user browsing experience and gater data about your preferences. This helps us analyze trends and gather aggregate data for sit optimization–
• IP addresses may be recorded.
• Any feedback or comments you leave may be retained.
We have installed CCTV systems on our premises used by members of RWBC and members of the public, for the purposes of member, public and staff safety and crime prevention and detection. CCTV cameras are be located inside and outside the building at various strategic locations which may change from time to time. Signs are displayed notifying you that CCTV is in operation and providing details of who to contact for further information about the scheme. We will only disclose CCTV images to others who intend to use the images for the purposes stated above. CCTV images will not be released to the media for entertainment purposes or placed on the internet. Images captured by CCTV will not be kept for longer than necessary.
Who do we share your information with?
We share your information with a third party contractor (Membermojo) who provide us with membership administration services and help us to comply with the GDPR regulations. Access to this data is controlled and is used over an encrypted and secure connection. Otherwise RWBC will not share your information unless the law requires or allows RWBC to do so. Where necessary we may share your information with the following:-
• Within RWBC (including our professional advisors) or external agencies such as emergency services for the purpose of contacting you in an emergency.
• With law enforcement agencies where we are legally required to do so.
• Insurers for the purposes of defending a claim
• Canal & River Trust for the purposes of Boat Licensing and enforcement and where we are lawfully required to do so.
Where necessary we may share your information with the following: -
Within RWBC (including our professional advisors) or external agencies such as emergency services for the purpose of contacting you in an emergency.
With law enforcement agencies where we are legally required to do so.
Insurers for the purposes of defending a claim
Canal & River Trust for the purposes of Boat Licensing and enforcement and where we are lawfully required to do so.
How long do we keep your information for?
We are required to retain your personal data only for as long as is necessary, after which it will be securely destroyed. Retention periods are generally 15 months following the date of you ceasing to be a member of RWBC or such longer period as the Management Committee may decide or if we are required to by law or if we need to do so to defend a legal or insurance claim. Photographs of you or your boat may be retained in our historical archives or on our website unless you ask us to remove them. If you do ask us to remove them we will do so insofar as is reasonably practical and subject to the retention and deletion policies of web server log files which our hosting supplier may have. Please also see the statement below relating to the use of Social Media.
How do we keep your data safe?
We only gather information which we need. Contact information is primarily stored on a propriety database system which we outsource to a specialist provider of membership administration services, (Membermojo). RWBC administrator access to your data is controlled by a username and password; only RWBC authorised Management Committee Members and Employees have access to the data. Hard copies of information such as application forms for membership and moorings are kept secure by the relevant club officer and destroyed in accordance with the preceding paragraph. An index of member contact details is kept by the Caretaker for security purposes. Access to information is strictly controlled based on the role of the management committee member holding it. Your personal data is not processed outside of the EU
We do not use your personal information to create a profile of your interests or preferences.
Data Breaches
In the event that we suffer a data breach we will advise you as soon as is reasonably practical.
Your Rights
You have a number of rights which relate to your personal data. You are entitled to request access to any personal data we hold about you and you can also request a copy. Details of how to make such a request can be found at the end of this document Where we are relying on your consent to process your personal data you are entitled to withdraw your consent at any time. You can also request that we correct any personal data we hold about you that you believe is inaccurate; request that we erase your personal data; request that we stop processing all or some of it. If you make such a request we may not be able to continue to administer all or part of your membership of RWBC and we will advise you accordingly. We are obliged to consider and respond to any such request within one calendar month.
Photographs & social media (including messaging services)
We cannot reasonably prevent club members, or members of the public taking photographs / videos on Club premises or at Club events including those that are open to the public. Therefore, RWBC cannot be held responsible for photos / videos that others publish in the public domain. Social Media is widely used by many of our members. It is not possible for RWBC nor practical to attempt to restrict or control such use; the content of posts on social media is the personal responsibility of the contributor. If you interact with us using social media platforms we may retain your comments or other information which you share. Common sense and common courtesy should be the main considerations. Members should treat others with respect. Members should assume that anything posted on Social Media might be in the public domain or might come into the public domain. Members are reminded that any posts they might make on Social media platforms are their personal responsibility and not that of RWBC. Before posting on Social Media members should consider whether their post is appropriate or might give offence. Members might consider asking for permission to post photographs - especially those taken on RWBC premises and/or of those under the age of 18 – before posting them. Some of RWBC’s premises such as the towpath are “public places” and as such photographs may be taken by the public in these areas. Please recognise that some members may not share the same views as yourself. RWBC does not maintain a list of Members preferences in respect of Social Media. It is not appropriate and not reasonably enforceable or desirable.
RWBC makes a Wi-Fi connection available to members inside and in the vicinity of the clubhouse. The internet connection is provided by a third party Internet Service Provider (ISP) and is subject to their terms and conditions. The ISP will collect certain details from use of the internet connection in order to comply with The Data Retention (EC Directive) Regulations 2009 which forms part of the Anti Terrorism, Crime & Security Act 2001. Access to the Wi-Fi is made using a security code which is available in the clubhouse and should not be disclosed to others. RWBC does not collect any information relating to Wi-Fi use. Data transmitted or received over our Wi-Fi may or may not be secure and RWBC does not accept any responsibility for loss of data or personal information. RWBC will, if lawfully requested, cooperate with law enforcement agencies regarding use of our Wi-Fi.
Further Information
If you wish to make a request or make a complaint about how we have handled your personal data, please contact:
The Data Protection Officer at
Alternatively, you can contact RWBC by writing to:
The Data Protection Officer
Retford & Worksop Boat Club
Clayworth Wharf
DN22 9AJ
Please put the following words in the subject line of an e-mail or on the envelope of a letter otherwise your request may not be dealt with promptly: -
Urgent – Data Protection Request
If you are not satisfied with our response or believe we are not processing your personal data in accordance with the law, you can complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO)
This policy replaces previous Data Protection and Privacy Policies which may have been issued by RWBC
This policy replaces previous Data Protection and Privacy Policies.
Last updated April 2024